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Lezzie Leslie

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Everything posted by Lezzie Leslie

  1. Vinyl is wonderful to me it makes everything sound so raw and the way it is suppose to sound. Honestly though I myself do not have hardly anything on vinyl, but my girlfriend who listens to a lot of Punk Rock like the Ramones and stuff like that has a ton.
  2. Thank You, I hope to be able to see this Queen in concert someday. She is actually one of the artists my girlfriend likes that I like. My girlfriend is into more classic punk rock music like The Ramones and Black Flag and The Misfits.
  3. On Disney + I watched Secret Society of Second-Born Royals
  4. Kim Petras one word...... Amazing!!!!!! Not only for her music, but for what she stands for and the message she sends out. Love her.
  5. #1 Halsey don't take shit for anyone #2 Halsey is extremely smart and well spoken #3 Snow is correct in saying that Halsey doesn't wright singles. She wrights what she is feeling at the moment.