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  1. Stupid girl is a bop. Paris Hilton was promoting stupidity so what did she expect, not to get called out on it?
  2. "you cant even make life bitch" only hurts infertile ppl. Meghan Trainor is annoying. Even when you're happily married you can't leave men alone?
  3. Pure lip service. Her actions say otherwise.
  4. just watched the video, damn i think she's a drug addict.
  5. Justin was able to stay in a long term relationship after Selena. Selena hasn't. So she clearly was the problem.
  6. Mod Notice Personal insults and making jokes about mental health is not allowed.
  7. Because there are conspiracy theorists, such as yourself, under all of her ig posts. They're still posting delusional posts about Britney being cloned or harassing her husband under her posts from weeks ago, for which the comments are still active. You can check if you want to.
  8. um beating rihanna isnt the only thing he did He stole a woman’s phone after she took a photo of him. (Feb, 2012) He shoved a woman to the ground at a night club leaving torn ligaments in her right knee. (June, 2013) He had a third-degree assault report filed after a woman was forcibly ejected a from his bus after she refused to give up her mobile phone (Sept, 2015) Brown avoided charges after a woman accused him of punching her in the face and taking her phone in a Las Vegas night club (Jan 2016) His female tour manager claimed he threatened her with a brutal p
  9. she was up there looking like an overgrown teletubby
  10. All these concern trolls worried about Britney are just gaslighters who are praying for her downfall.