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BTW= Birth, growth, existence
You And I= relationships, romance, friends
Judas= betrayal, fight, brokenness
Marry The Night= healing, repairing, forgiving
The Edge of Glory= goals, destiny, end
That was her mistake releasing it after the album, especially WW. BUT if she released it before the album as the 2nd single it would've been HUGE! So different and shocking at the time for her (lbr, only her fans knew about YAI before BTW album) which would've brought attention! EOG and MTN could be successful as later singles anyway since they are her typical dance-pop.
Also TEOG is the best final single that never was!
I know this topic has been beaten to death (also, is this the right category?)but hear me out! This is is how I believe the BTW era could've been MORE successful if Gaga went like this with her singles. The 5 singles chosen were perfect! But the order of release was such a mess! It had no flow whatsoever! How can she be "born" (BTW) and then get instantly "betrayed"(Judas)? After getting betrayed she "dies" (TEOG) and afterwards she "falls in love"(u&I)? After dying and falling in love she accepts her "dark side"(MTN) and it ends there? See what I'm saying??? This is how i