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About Godney

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  1. Hey legend I was reading your past threads and I just wanna say 

    Rest In Peace you fucking icon 

    1. Elusive


      Were they banned?

    2. secret


      Yes sadly katy11

  2. not falling for this trap.
  3. What else would it say? .gif' alt='ny15'>
  4. That's adorable! So glad Britney is having fun with this.
  5. idk gurl. .gif' alt='cry3'> he said he got really nervous and choked up. his voice sounds good there but it sounds like he's walking in a thin line with it. He should just give up on being an artist, and do some modeling instead. .gif' alt='ny6'>
  6. Xtina fans always have so much to say when it's an OPINIONS fight, but once facts come into play they always scurry away. How.. ironic? madonna10
  7. She's already won the public over.