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Everything posted by EWA

  1. gaga beyonce madonna katy coldplay bruno bep
  2. exactly. the whole message of BTW is that we are all equal. not to mention.. she fucking opened with god bless america. putting into consideration the hard times we are going through right now it speaks volumes.
  3. back in the 90s... a grammy. anyone can get a #1 and they literally mean nothing [[that's why we have (#)1 hit wonders]] however today a grammy doesn't mean shit. they have no credibility anymore.
  4. i remember giving this album a try and the youtube video had BTD first then OTTR and i remember always restarting the video once OTTR was finished to hear it again and i kept sitting through BTD.. which i hated at the time. eventually i listened to the whole thing during a run and fell in love .. and then i discovered ultraviolence and realized who needs love
  5. They dont fucking deserve Amy Adams. Two amazing roles this year and no fucking reconigition. She truly is the female Leo.
  6. butterfly > daydream > mc = emotions > music box > rainbow
  7. yall check out these tests they did on magician/psychic uri geller. the first link isn't all that crazy, but the second... geesh. the one with the devil and the trident/his drawing i just can't get over. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100016-2.pdf https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00791R000100480003-3.pdf eta: i looked a little deeper and realized the cia were just really shitty at their jobs.
  8. edit: nvm wrong pet cute regardless
  9. Chris Brown — Gotta Be Ur Man 7 Dec 2009, 2:14am
  10. she incriminating herself. what a dumb ass
  11. well someone had to take the blame
  12. i don't believe it. i just think mariah is clueless and stella feeds her ego and delusions, so she likes her.
  13. he didn't fucking lie. stella is TRASH
  14. @Onika i got my mug! i'm in love with it cry3 thanks again. merry christmas

    1. Onika


      That's insane, the other ones people have gotten did not come out like that. I'm going to contact the company.

    2. EWA


      Ok. I just figured it was just a printing error. No worries here though. 

    3. Onika


      They're going to reprint it and send you a new one :) 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. its even fuckin funnier that almost all of them don't know the song and aren't even trying just like her
  16. As a moo fan i'm glad this happened. She really is living in a fantasy. She has that clique around her 24/7 kissing ass including her trash manager who fills her brain with bullshit. I hope this will be a wake up call for her... but I doubt it. She too far gone.
  17. so basically he just made a list of the big movies this year that received negative ratings. birds of a feather. winters war wasn't that bad. miles better than the first, and emily blunt + thezon were brilliant.