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Your fave's critical, commercial and artistic peak?

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Which eras were your faves critical, commercial and artistic peak?

Critical: Their most acclaimed album/era
Commerical: Their most successful album/era
Artistic: In your opinion, their best album/era based upon the quality of the music



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Critical: The Fame Monster
Commerical: The Fame
Artistic: Born This Way /  The Fame Monster


Critical: BEYONCE
Commerical: Dangerously in Love
Artistic: BEYONCE


Critical: Speak Now
Commerical: 1989
Artistic: Speak Now




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I don't agree with the artistic peak definition. Artistically, Katy's peak is One of the Boys, but her best album is Teenage Dream. There's a difference. Commercially TD and Critically PRISM. 


For Rihanna; Commercial - GGGB, Critical - Rated R, Artistic - Rated R (but personally GGGB). 

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Critical: Honeymoon

Commercial: Born To Die

Artistic: Ultraviolence or Honeymoon

Uv and H could really get it tho, stay pressed BTD stans.


Critical: Prism

Commercial: Teenage Dream

Artistic: One Of The Boys

Basically what Paul said. @RihannaRTT


Critical: Unapologetic

Commercial: Loud

Artistic: Rated R

I'm mean come on.

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BTW was not gagas best artistic era. Yes the tour was extremely original but TF/M was a HUGE artistic concept that defined her and will always be her go to era for comparisons

BTWga was exhausted by the end, TEOG, MTN and Y&I were a mess

She will never  beat any of the fame. The concept, the music, the looks, the videos, the performances-FLAWLESS

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27 minutes ago, ICONICK said:

BTW was not gagas best artistic era. Yes the tour was extremely original but TF/M was a HUGE artistic concept that defined her and will always be her go to era for comparisons

BTWga was exhausted by the end, TEOG, MTN and Y&I were a mess

She will never  beat any of the fame. The concept, the music, the looks, the videos, the performances-FLAWLESS

well ,maybe not visually but musically BTW is superior and much more creative . Even though the concept of the album seems kind of basic, each song has a deeper meaning that adds to the final product and makes it more special. Lyrically ,Gaga was at her best and sonically it's more diverse and interesting than TFM.

Imo, Born This Way delivered most of Gaga's best songs but TFM delivered her best videos. 

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To the Little Monsters saying BTW was her artistic peak. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

TFM was her artistic peak. I'm sorry, but Photoshopping your head onto a motorcycle is tacky, not artistic. It's try-hard and cringey. Using a picture you took of your computer screen of a cross and "Judas" in basic Impact font above it is not artistic. And finally, the artificial protrusions sticking out of her cheek bones that has nothing to do with being 'born this way' or shit. The bleached eyebrows, AWFUL makeup, stupid outfits, and music videos that ranged from way too over the top (BTW and MTN) to just plain boring and uninspired (TEOG).

You should be ashamed for calling that era more artistic than the visual masterpiece that is The Fame Monster. rav1 

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