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Why is Britney guest starring on a CW show?

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What happened to this gol and her career? Wasn't it just a few years ago her fans were roaming these boards making fun of Christina, and now look what happened. Britney slipped right behind Christina didn't she. kii

Christina has maintained a high profile status on the major networks and continues to selectively release music that gets her critical acclaim and chart success. Britney on the other hand is being trashed from every angle. Her music sucks, her album sales SUCK, her performance skills suck, her acting skills SUCK, her personality sucks, her image SUCKS. What is there left to stan for? 


A true GRADE F Pop Star. brit2

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8 minutes ago, Agugaga said:

continues to selectively release music that gets her critical acclaim and chart success.

Lotus was certainly a selective affair with that 56 score on Metacritic and it's not-even-gold certification. Whew.

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4 minutes ago, NoAngel said:

Still higher than BJ and it sold more

Doesn't make it  "music that gets her critical acclaim and chart success" by any means though, does it?

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48 minutes ago, Kim Kardashian said:

Why has Britney always been more relevant than Xtina?

Why has she outsold her?

Why is she widely recognised as the Princess of Pop by the GP and Xtina only be her few fighters left?

Why has Britney's RESIDENCY outgrossed Xtina's highest grossing solo tour?

Why did Britney get paid more for her season on the X Factor than any of Xtina's seasons at the Voice?


The nerve! ayumi1

Xtina gets 17M per season dead7

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Why do you care the fuck so much? At least when Britney was on X Factor her season has some stars (Fifth Harmony for example) give me a list of any of the winners from Christina's seasons have been a star you fucking idiot

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1 minute ago, jdpm1991 said:

Why do you care the fuck so much? At least when Britney was on X Factor her season has some stars (Fifth Harmony for example) give me a list of any of the winners from Christina's seasons have been a star you fucking idiot

no one from The Voice ever becomes relevantfall7

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1 minute ago, Kim Kardashian said:

Flop contestants, flop judges (where Xtina is concerned, anyway). No wonder she stays.

I wasn't gonna mention this but let's talk about how X Factor began to flop in t he ratings as soon as Britney became a judge while The Voice rihmained unbothered, beating it every weeknat1

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