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Lady Gaga: Song Sorter

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i found this thing online where you can choose your favorite from each of Gaga's songs (TF thru Artpop) and at the end it sorts them out to tell you the definitive ranking of your favorite Gaga songs cry1 It takes a really long time because it forces you to choose between songs that are equally good and some of the choices can be traumatic, but its worth it at the end cry1

give it a try and post your results here when your done! take all the time you need, it took me almost an hour just to choose between Hair and Paparazzi cry1 

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Rank    Song
1    You And I
2    The Queen
3    Hair
4    So Happy I Could Die
5    Bad Romance
6    The Edge Of Glory
7    Speechless
8    Gypsy
9    Paparazzi
10    Poker Face
11    Applause
12    Marry The Night
13    Brown Eyes
14    Dance in The Dark
15    Stuck on Fuckin' You
16    Teeth
17    Dope
17    Dope
19    Do What U Want
20    I Like It Rough
21    Bloody Mary
22    Just Dance
23    The Fame
24    Born This Way
25    Boys Boys Boys
26    Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
27    Judas
28    Mary Jane Holland
29    Telephone
30    Scheiße
31    Monster
32    Sexxx Dreams
33    Donatella
34    Artpop
35    Brooklyn Nights
36    Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
37    Alejandro
38    Paper Gangsta
39    Starstuck
40    Heavy Metal Lover
41    Money Honey
42    LoveGame
43    Manicure
44    G.U.Y
45    Again Again
46    Electric Chapel
47    Americano
48    Government Hooker
49    Aura
50    Fashion!
51    Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
52    Swine
53    Summerboy
54    Venus
55    Retro, Dance, Freak
56    Hello, Hello
57    Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
58    Bad Kids
59    Jewels N' Drugs
60    Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
61    Chillin'
62    Fashion
63    Disco Heaven
64    Vanity
65    Don't Give Up
65    Fountain of Truth


this is how my list turned out alex1 it's like 99% accurate, but idk how the FUCK Summerboy came in at #53 shock1 

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1 Artpop
2 Aura
3 Applause
4 Judas
5 Venus
6 Sexxx Dreams
7 Alejandro
8 Do What U Want
9 Dance in The Dark
10 The Edge Of Glory
11 Scheiße
12 G.U.Y
13 Government Hooker
14 Bloody Mary
15 Bad Romance
16 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
17 Heavy Metal Lover
18 Manicure
19 Paparazzi
20 Hair
21 Monster
22 Marry The Night
23 Electric Chapel
24 Summerboy
25 Telephone
26 Brooklyn Nights
27 Born This Way
28 Poker Face
29 Americano
30 The Queen
31 Boys Boys Boys
32 Gypsy
33 Mary Jane Holland
34 Speechless
35 So Happy I Could Die
36 Paper Gangsta
37 Bad Kids
38 Swine
39 Stuck on Fuckin' You
40 You And I
41 Donatella
42 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
43 Money Honey
44 Just Dance
45 The Fame
46 Starstuck
47 Teeth
48 LoveGame
49 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
50 Fashion
51 Jewels N' Drugs
52 Vanity
53 Retro, Dance, Freak
54 I Like It Rough
55 Hello, Hello
56 Fashion!
57 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
58 Dope
59 Disco Heaven
60 Dope
61 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
62 Brown Eyes
63 Again Again
64 Chillin'
65 Don't Give Up
65 Fountain of Truth


Mostly spot on tbh

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Rank Song
1 I Like It Rough
1 Paparazzi
3 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
3 Do What U Want
3 The Edge Of Glory
3 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
3 Government Hooker
3 Just Dance
3 Money Honey
3 Poker Face
3 Summerboy
12 Marry The Night
12 Boys Boys Boys
14 G.U.Y
14 LoveGame
14 Monster
14 Paper Gangsta
14 Sexxx Dreams
14 So Happy I Could Die
14 Speechless
14 Starstuck
22 Applause
22 Aura
22 Bad Kids
22 Bad Romance
22 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
22 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
22 Dance in The Dark
22 Disco Heaven
22 Judas
22 Manicure
22 Mary Jane Holland
22 Scheiße
22 Telephone
35 The Fame
35 Retro, Dance, Freak
35 Teeth
35 You And I
39 Again Again
39 Chillin'
39 Americano
39 Artpop
39 Bloody Mary
39 Born This Way
39 Brown Eyes
39 Donatella
39 Dope
39 Don't Give Up
39 Dope
39 Electric Chapel
39 Fashion!
39 Fountain of Truth
39 Gypsy
39 Hair
39 Heavy Metal Lover
39 Hello, Hello
39 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
39 Jewels N' Drugs
39 The Queen
39 Stuck on Fuckin' You
39 Swine
39 Vanity
39 Venus
64 Alejandro
65 Fashion
66 Brooklyn Night


well orangu1 what even are Fountain Of Truth, Hello Hello and Don't Give Up ??

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1 Brooklyn Nights
2 Just Dance
3 You And I
4 So Happy I Could Die
5 Starstuck
6 Teeth
7 Telephone
8 Summerboy
9 Poker Face
10 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
11 Alejandro
12 Dance in The Dark
13 Government Hooker
14 The Edge Of Glory
15 Fashion
16 Americano
17 Marry The Night
18 Scheiße
19 Judas
20 G.U.Y
21 Hair
22 Money Honey
23 Venus
24 Monster
25 I Like It Rough
26 Heavy Metal Lover
27 Paparazzi
28 Sexxx Dreams
29 Jewels N' Drugs
30 Vanity
31 Speechless
32 Don't Give Up
33 Born This Way
34 Boys Boys Boys
35 Retro, Dance, Freak
36 Mary Jane Holland
37 Swine
38 Aura
39 Manicure
40 Gypsy
41 Paper Gangsta
42 The Fame
43 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
44 Disco Heaven
45 LoveGame
46 The Queen
47 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
48 Bloody Mary
49 Electric Chapel
50 Applause
51 Bad Kids
52 Bad Romance
53 Artpop
54 Dope
55 Dope
56 Fashion!
57 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
58 Brown Eyes
59 Do What U Want
60 Donatella
61 Stuck on Fuckin' You
62 Again Again
63 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
64 Hello, Hello
65 Chillin'
66 Fountain of Truth


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13 minutes ago, Hunty Bear said:

well orangu1 what even are Fountain Of Truth, Hello Hello and Don't Give Up ??

FOT is some random unreleased song, and Hello Hello was a duet she did with Elton John from some childrens film. idk what the other one is, or why they felt they were relevant to this list at all rip2 (even though secretly i do use Hello Hello from time to time yas2 )

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100% accurate

Why is Dope on the list twice? orangu1

Rank Song
1 Heavy Metal Lover
2 Alejandro
2 The Edge Of Glory
2 Government Hooker
5 Sexxx Dreams
5 So Happy I Could Die
5 Telephone
5 Vanity
9 Bloody Mary
9 Brown Eyes
9 Dance in The Dark
12 Marry The Night
13 G.U.Y
13 LoveGame
13 Mary Jane Holland
13 Paparazzi
17 Aura
18 Paper Gangsta
19 Scheiße
20 Disco Heaven
21 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
22 Fashion
23 Boys Boys Boys
24 Just Dance
25 Artpop
26 Poker Face
27 Monster
28 Bad Romance
29 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
30 Manicure
31 Born This Way
32 Starstuck
32 Summerboy
34 Hair
35 Electric Chapel
36 Donatella
37 Do What U Want
38 Fashion!
39 The Fame
40 Teeth
41 Money Honey
42 Gypsy
43 Judas
44 Retro, Dance, Freak
45 Americano
46 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
47 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
48 Speechless
49 Swine
50 I Like It Rough
51 The Queen
52 Bad Kids
53 Applause
54 Venus
55 You And I
56 Brooklyn Nights
57 Don't Give Up
58 Dope
58 Dope
60 Again Again
61 Hello, Hello
62 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
63 Stuck on Fuckin' You
64 Jewels N' Drugs
65 Chillin'

Fountain of Truth

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This is fairly accurate except I'd switch Aura and Venus around.


Rank Song
1 Alejandro
1 Artpop
1 Aura
1 Bloody Mary
1 Dance in The Dark
1 Judas
7 Bad Romance
7 Electric Chapel
7 Venus
7 You And I
11 Marry The Night
11 The Edge Of Glory
11 G.U.Y
11 Heavy Metal Lover
15 Speechless
16 Paparazzi
17 Government Hooker
18 Poker Face
18 Scheiße
20 Gypsy
21 LoveGame
21 Manicure
21 Mary Jane Holland
21 Sexxx Dreams
21 Swine
26 Applause
27 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
28 Born This Way
29 Hair
30 Telephone
31 So Happy I Could Die
32 Monster
33 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
33 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
35 Brooklyn Nights
36 Do What U Want
36 Dope
38 Dope
39 Just Dance
40 Donatella
41 Fashion!
42 Boys Boys Boys
43 Americano
44 Paper Gangsta
45 The Queen
46 Teeth
47 I Like It Rough
48 Disco Heaven
49 Summerboy
50 Brown Eyes
51 The Fame
52 Again Again
53 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
54 Bad Kids
55 Jewels N' Drugs
56 Money Honey
57 Vanity
58 Starstuck
59 Stuck on Fuckin' You
60 Retro, Dance, Freak
61 Fashion
62 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
63 Don't Give Up
64 Chillin'
65 Hello, Hello
66 Fountain of Truth
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1 Brooklyn Nights
2 Judas
3 Bloody Mary
4 G.U.Y
4 Gypsy
6 Bad Romance
7 Dance in The Dark
8 Monster
9 Americano
10  Government Hooker
10  So Happy I Could Die
12 Poker Face
13 Artpop
14 The Edge Of Glory
14 Venus
16 Telephone
17 Applause
18 Paparazzi
19 Heavy Metal Lover
20 Scheiße
21 Mary Jane Holland
22 Just Dance
23 Marry The Night
24 Alejandro
25 Donatella
26 Aura
27 Teeth
28 LoveGame
29 Do What U Want
30 Sexxx Dreams
31 Hair
32 I Like It Rough
33 Born This Way
34 Bad Kids
35 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
36 Boys Boys Boys
37 The Fame
38 Starstuck
39 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
40 Money Honey
41 Vanity
42 Manicure
43 Paper Gangsta
44 Speechless
45 The Queen
46 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
47 Fashion
48 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
49 Electric Chapel
50 Summerboy
51 Jewels N' Drugs
52 Retro, Dance, Freak
53 Swine
54 You And I
55 Chillin'
56 Dope
56 Dope
58 Disco Heaven
59 Fashion!
60 Brown Eyes
61 Hello, Hello
62 Again Again
63 Stuck on Fuckin' You
64 Don't Give Up
65 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
66 Fountain of Truth


Not sure about Gypsy's position. I love it a lot but idk if it deserves that high of a spot.

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Kinda rushed it but it seems pretty accurate. Maybe switch Hair and Applause around. The top 10 is totally on point gaga13 


1 Dance in The Dark
2 The Edge Of Glory
3 Bloody Mary
4 Scheiße
5 Telephone
6 Monster
7 Judas
8 Poker Face
9 Venus
10 Gypsy
11 Boys Boys Boys
12 Do What U Want
13 Alejandro
14 You And I
15 Brown Eyes
16 Bad Romance
17 Born This Way
18 Marry The Night
19 Paparazzi
20 Paper Gangsta
21 So Happy I Could Die
22 Just Dance
23 Applause
24 Heavy Metal Lover
25 Hair
26 Government Hooker
27 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
28 Brooklyn Nights
29 Speechless
30 Aura
31 Electric Chapel
32 I Like It Rough
33 Sexxx Dreams
34 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
35 G.U.Y
36 LoveGame
37 Artpop
38 Starstuck
39 Teeth
40 Money Honey
41 The Fame
42 Dope
42 Dope
44 Disco Heaven
45 Manicure
46 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
47 Mary Jane Holland
48 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
49 Bad Kids
50 Fashion!
51 Summerboy
52 The Queen
53 Again Again
54 Fashion
55 Americano
56 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
57 Swine
58 Hello, Hello
59 Vanity
60 Retro, Dance, Freak
61 Jewels N' Drugs
62 Donatella
63 Don't Give Up
64 Chillin'
65 Stuck on Fuckin' You
66 Fountain of Truth
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Rank Song
1 Americano
1 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
3 Dance in The Dark
4 Electric Chapel
5 Judas
6 Born This Way
7 Bad Romance
8 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
9 Aura
10 Alejandro
11 Hair
12 Scheiße
13 The Queen
14 Telephone
15 Heavy Metal Lover
16 Poker Face
17 Marry The Night
18 Brooklyn Nights
19 Bad Kids
20 Bloody Mary
21 Applause
22 Artpop
23 Starstuck
24 Just Dance
25 Government Hooker
26 The Fame
27 Paparazzi
28 LoveGame
29 I Like It Rough
30 You And I
31 Venus
32 Teeth
33 G.U.Y
34 Manicure
35 Speechless
36 Jewels N' Drugs
37 Swine
38 Sexxx Dreams
39 So Happy I Could Die
40 Mary Jane Holland
41 Gypsy
42 Paper Gangsta
43 Money Honey
44 Vanity
45 Hello, Hello
46 Stuck on Fuckin' You
46 Summerboy
48 Retro, Dance, Freak
49 Monster
50 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
51 The Edge Of Glory
52 Donatella
53 Disco Heaven
54 Boys Boys Boys
55 Brown Eyes
56 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
57 Fountain of Truth
58 Chillin'
59 Again Again
59 Fashion
61 Dope
62 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
63 Do What U Want
64 Fashion!
65 Dope

Don't Give Up


Electric Chapel is a bit too high, but slay! jj2yas2 

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Well... It's done. I kinda hate myself for some of the decisions I've made, but I guess it's pretty much right.

I'm actually super surprised how much I like some songs that I never realized that I do. And I also realized how I would rather listen to Paper Gangsta (my dead last songs) than a lot of songs that I could mention.

1 So Happy I Could Die
2 You And I
3 Alejandro
4 Government Hooker
5 The Edge Of Glory
6 Monster
7 Gypsy
8 Paparazzi
9 Applause
10 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
11 Summerboy
12 Venus
13 Heavy Metal Lover
14 LoveGame
15 Bad Romance
16 The Fame
17 Artpop
18 Manicure
19 Speechless
20 Sexxx Dreams
21 Americano
22 Aura
23 Hair
24 Marry The Night
25 Teeth
26 Telephone
27 Poker Face
28 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
29 G.U.Y
30 Judas
31 Just Dance
32 Donatella
33 Do What U Want
34 Bad Kids
35 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
36 Bloody Mary
37 Boys Boys Boys
38 Fashion!
39 Fashion
40 Born This Way
41 The Queen
42 Swine
43 Scheiße
44 Money Honey
45 Mary Jane Holland
46 Electric Chapel
47 I Like It Rough
48 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
49 Jewels N' Drugs
50 Brown Eyes
51 Dance in The Dark
52 Starstuck
53 Dope
54 Dope
55 Paper Gangsta


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4 hours ago, GovernmentHooker said:

Well... It's done. I kinda hate myself for some of the decisions I've made, but I guess it's pretty much right.

I'm actually super surprised how much I like some songs that I never realized that I do. And I also realized how I would rather listen to Paper Gangsta (my dead last songs) than a lot of songs that I could mention.

1 So Happy I Could Die
2 You And I
3 Alejandro
4 Government Hooker
5 The Edge Of Glory
6 Monster
7 Gypsy
8 Paparazzi
9 Applause
10 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
11 Summerboy
12 Venus
13 Heavy Metal Lover
14 LoveGame
15 Bad Romance
16 The Fame
17 Artpop
18 Manicure
19 Speechless
20 Sexxx Dreams
21 Americano
22 Aura
23 Hair
24 Marry The Night
25 Teeth
26 Telephone
27 Poker Face
28 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
29 G.U.Y
30 Judas
31 Just Dance
32 Donatella
33 Do What U Want
34 Bad Kids
35 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
36 Bloody Mary
37 Boys Boys Boys
38 Fashion!
39 Fashion
40 Born This Way
41 The Queen
42 Swine
43 Scheiße
44 Money Honey
45 Mary Jane Holland
46 Electric Chapel
47 I Like It Rough
48 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
49 Jewels N' Drugs
50 Brown Eyes
51 Dance in The Dark
52 Starstuck
53 Dope
54 Dope
55 Paper Gangsta



a fellow Yoü and I fanatic cry7 sometimes i feel like im the only one on this forum who truly appreciates her best song cry7 

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Rank Song
1 Judas
2 Heavy Metal Lover
3 Alejandro
4 Bad Romance
5 Bloody Mary
6 The Edge Of Glory
7 Dance in The Dark
8 Do What U Want
9 Electric Chapel
10 Marry The Night
11 Applause
12 Sexxx Dreams
12 So Happy I Could Die
14 Scheiße
15 Venus
16 Aura
17 Poker Face
18 Telephone
19 G.U.Y
20 Paparazzi
21 Gypsy
22 Monster
23 The Queen
24 You And I
25 Swine
26 Government Hooker
27 Artpop
28 Fashion!
29 The Fame
30 Just Dance
31 Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
32 LoveGame
33 I Like It Rough
34 Summerboy
35 Hair
36 Mary Jane Holland
37 Money Honey
38 Jewels N' Drugs
39 Speechless
39 Starstuck
41 Manicure
42 Brooklyn Nights
43 Donatella
44 Disco Heaven
45 Bad Kids
46 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
47 Retro, Dance, Freak
48 Teeth
49 Vanity
50 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
51 Born This Way
52 Boys Boys Boys
53 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
54 Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
55 Americano
56 Chillin'
56 Don't Give Up
56 Paper Gangsta
59 Fashion
59 Hello, Hello
59 Stuck on Fuckin' You
62 Again Again
62 Brown Eyes
64 Fountain of Truth
65 Dope
65 Dope




My list is flawless mainly because Nope is the last song on it yas2 


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