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Overrated albums on FOTP

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5 minutes ago, TaylorNation™ said:

Funny because I clocked your pathetic ass when you came for C2C hours ago and you still haven't replied. hay1

See you in court, fatty. hay1

See you in the Warning Points discussion thread. hay1 

Do you think I'm pressed enough to reply to everyone who's trying to convince me that Ass 2 Mouth isn't an abomination? hay1 

I'm just here to shake the tables a bit. Don't take all this so personally. hay1 I still like Gaga up until AP but some monsters need to feel the reverse Warholian drags after they've been group-dragging others last year. 

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10 minutes ago, Salvatore said:

See you in the Warning Points discussion thread. hay1 

Do you think I'm pressed enough to reply to everyone who's trying to convince me that Ass 2 Mouth isn't an abomination? hay1 

I'm just here to shake the tables a bit. Don't take all this so personally. hay1 I still like Gaga up until AP but some monsters need to feel the reverse Warholian drags after they've been group-dragging others last year. 

Funny that you attempt to drag based on generalizations and stereotypes. Drag certain stans not all. When Gaga was successful I wouldn't have dragged everyone if I was on here. hay1 

And obviously you're pressed enough to wait for my reply considering after 5 minutes of posting it you asked me if I was too scared to reply, which I was not seeing I actually replied to your non-existent drag. hay1

And that's fine sis, I can afford a few WPs but seeing as how a mod commented after what I said about Christina, if I was really going to be warned I'm sure I already would have been. And if I do get warned I think I'll live through it sis. hay1

Meanwhile I'll move on and you can  tumblr_m7a2ohH2zT1qb73iu.gif.  hay1


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4 hours ago, ChooseyLover said:

Let's not be delusional. I never said Gaga was a bad artist. If you say that she's prettier than Xtina... You're BLIND!


She has always been a blonde goddess... And Gaga is not precisely pretty. Anyway, I think that looks are not important if you are talented. And they both are talented, so stop.


AND they are both pretty um1um1 why are you both looking for pictures of them being ugly? um1 

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6 hours ago, Ryan said:

Blackout is the most overrated pop album I've ever heard. Its a good album but the way Army and others go on you expect it to be pop perfection 

omg, this truth! it's indeed a good album but not what people here make it be.

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2 minutes ago, Bionic Monster said:

Black Heart/I Didn't Just Come Here to Dance/Your Type are all better than Grimes' discography and I haven't even listened to Grimes' discography so







OT: Ebola Shartrav2

When I didn't think it could get worse than stanning Heart Attack orangu1 

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13 minutes ago, Mint said:

Which further validates hylia her point


11 minutes ago, Hylia said:

When I didn't think it could get worse than stanning Heart Attack orangu1 

I did however listen to a few tracks on youtube when we were in chat a few weeks back and her vocals are serving me Bjork combined with 2013 Britney Alien demo teas

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