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Kesha's Injunction Feb. 19th 9am - Results- To Be Continued

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28 minutes ago, trashmagic said:

I think this is a bit disrespectful from Huffpost; though she does indeed still have the final verdict to wait for, the fact that the judge sided with the Cunt strongly suggests that she isn't going to win this. So it's more than a minor setback, it's an strong indication of what is going to happen next.

I also think that the judge is on reserve and put the final verdict on May 18th so that it doesn't seem that everything is completely denied. Otherwise people would be suspicious of Sony and Luke and why Kesha's allegations have been completely ignored. 

I also don't get how her stay in rehab wasn't even mentioned. Didn't she she had very low sodium levels and blood pressure and the doctors said she nearly died? Where's all this?!  

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1 hour ago, KeshaOverdose said:

ugh :( 

There's a tiny tiny tiny bit of hope that they could rule in Kesha's favour at convict Luke...but it's unlikely. :(

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Since the beginning of this mess I was worried about the lack of material evidences, seems like everything is based on her words and it's not enough for a balanced justice system :(


I hope they have something more but I honestly doubt it.

And btw the judge is a stupid bitch who doesn't know the music industry (or she does but for some reason supports Sony & Luke).

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4 hours ago, trashmagic said:

I think this is a bit disrespectful from Huffpost; though she does indeed still have the final verdict to wait for, the fact that the judge sided with the Cunt strongly suggests that she isn't going to win this. So it's more than a minor setback, it's an strong indication of what is going to happen next.

The comment was not from a Huffpost Reporter but from someone commenting on it. I think what was trying to be explained was the court case yesterday was more about Kesha getting the judge to agree that her career is being damaged by this case. The judge didn't agree, so they must proceed.


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9 hours ago, CroNich said:

Im still confused. If Kesha wins her case with Luke (which is looking unlikely) does that mean she would have to be released from her contract? I thought that was the point of the today? 

Yes, if she wins her case in May...then she is free to pursue another label.

Yesterday's case was the judge deciding if her career was being damaged by all of this. The judge felt that Sony could have Kesha work with other producers to get around that argument.

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On 19-2-2016 at 4:58 PM, KeshaOverdose said:



On 19-2-2016 at 4:59 PM, Galaxy said:

These tweets better be fucking fake there is no way in hell the judge would say something like that I am fuming 


On 19-2-2016 at 4:59 PM, Galaxy said:

bitch barely has 2K followers i dont believe it bye I REFUSE


On 19-2-2016 at 5:00 PM, Nicole Richie said:

ugh omg wat the fuck


On 19-2-2016 at 5:00 PM, KeshaOverdose said:



On 19-2-2016 at 5:01 PM, KeshaOverdose said:



On 19-2-2016 at 5:01 PM, Witchcraft said:

I'm gonna throw up 


On 19-2-2016 at 5:02 PM, Max said:

This is even worse than I imagined it could be. I mean, what kind of SATAN is that lawyer?

All the meltdowns fall3

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3 minutes ago, TaylorNation™ said:

same omg brit8 

I was pissed at everyone honestly brit8 

I absolutely flipped out. I was sassing everyone brit1 

Someone told me i shouldn't make a big deal out of it because it isn't my life tumblr_o2wngcFImT1v5h74ko5_75sq.gif 

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http://asiancinderellas.tumblr.com/ The posts of this user make me livid. What an absolute joke. Dr. Luke never offered that. He wouldn't let her record with other producers, as she is under his label. Sony might have offered to, but it is clear she wants to move away from the company who let the incidents happen. How did she ''choose'' her career over her safety? If she would have chosen her career over her safety, she wouldn't have filed a lawsuit against him in the first place. She hasn't released music in almost 3 full years. Would she put herself and her career through all this shit because.. she chooses her career over her safety? nice logic. Victims lie under oath all the time. WHY was Kesha asked in 2011 if she was sexually assaulted in the first place? According to documents, Dr. Luke blackmailed her and threatened her and her FAMILY. 

People really don't know shit and it infuriates me.

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