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rocky road

Why doesn't britney get invited to do tributes?

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Her peers (xtina, beyonce, gaga, pink) are always asked to play prestigious tributes. A sort of passing of torches from past legends to future ones..


Why doesn't britney get asked? Is she not respected? Do they not take her seriously? Or is it because she's just not as good as them?

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15 minutes ago, Carlos said:

It's the other way around. She's a legend, artists should do tributes for her.

Stupid. A lot of legends did tributes to other singers.


Simply, no one wants to see Britney do a tribute shrug1 

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I'm honestly not trying to shade her at all because I like Brit but..... most tributes aren't lip synced???? Honestly when was the last time Brit actually sang a song live? 


I'm pretty sure for typical tributes people want the artists to sing live and for the performer to idolize the person they're tributing... I don't think any of Brit's influences have even had tributes tbh 

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5 hours ago, Carlos said:

It's the other way around. She's a legend, artists should do tributes for her.

They don't tho. And why doesn't anyone consider her a legend outside of certain pop fags on niche pop forums?

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5 hours ago, Americunt said:

Conversely: Why does Xtina only do tributes?

Why does she get name dropped as influence by the new generation more than pink britney bey etc? Why is she more respected by legends than them?


There's your answer. When respect is high demand for legend related events is high

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3 hours ago, fun. said:

I'm honestly not trying to shade her at all because I like Brit but..... most tributes aren't lip synced???? Honestly when was the last time Brit actually sang a song live? 


I'm pretty sure for typical tributes people want the artists to sing live and for the performer to idolize the person they're tributing... I don't think any of Brit's influences have even had tributes tbh 

If janet had a tribute do u really think they'd be knocking on botneys door?


You guys are so delusional lol. Why not just call a spade a spade? BRITNEY IS NOT RESPECTED, she will remain an icon but never get legend status like her peers. 

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43 minutes ago, rocky road said:


If janet had a tribute do u really think they'd be knocking on botneys door?


You guys are so delusional lol. Why not just call a spade a spade? BRITNEY IS NOT RESPECTED, she will remain an icon but never get legend status like her peers. 

Neither will Legend Fat

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