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why was gaga's debut single more basic than Katy's

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3 minutes ago, LG5 Pls Dont Flop said:

And she didn't diss gay people in any of ha songs, unlike Katy um1

or blatantly tell them to "hang themselves with their H&M scarfs"in one of her songs awk1

and then turn around in her next era and put gays in her video, saying were all "fireworks" lmfao1



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just dance may sound basic right now but it was not basic for its time. the reason this song took literally months to take off was because it didn't follow the mainstream trends. this was one of the main driving forces behind the push of dance pop to top 40. i kissed a girl was and still is basic. 

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6 minutes ago, Alejandreaux said:

the face that katy pretended to be a lesbian for like 2 seconds just to get a hit song while gaga has geniunely shown interest in women throughout her whole career and didnt abandon that theme after her first single was over confused1


Yeah and then you know what else she did she made a video using !!!!!!!----RAPE----!!!!! in the plot, worked with alleged rapist Terry Richardson and R.Kelly another alleged rapist all to stay relevant and then became a spokesmodel for rape victims but til it happens to u do what u want with my body 


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2 minutes ago, LG5 Pls Dont Flop said:

And she didn't diss gay people in any of ha songs, unlike Katy um1

im sorry you were offended by USG, wonder if you feel the same way about gaga when she panders and exploits the lbgt community for her own personal gain,

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2 minutes ago, Gilly said:

just dance may sound basic right now but it was not basic for its time. the reason this song took literally months to take off was because it didn't follow the mainstream trends. this was one of the main driving forces behind the push of dance pop to top 40. i kissed a girl was and still is basic. 





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1 minute ago, Gilly said:

just dance may sound basic right now but it was not basic for its time. the reason this song took literally months to take off was because it didn't follow the mainstream trends. this was one of the main driving forces behind the push of dance pop to top 40. i kissed a girl was and still is basic. 

bitch dont cave and diss gaga like that. Just Dance sounds like Bohemian Rhapsody compared to any Katy Perry song lmfao1

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3 minutes ago, Alejandreaux said:

or blatantly tell them to "hang themselves with their H&M scarfs"in one of her songs awk1

and then turn around in her next era and put gays in her video, saying were all "fireworks" lmfao1



the song is directed at her metrosexual exbfnot at gays in general tho?. not surprised at your comprehension skills tho, you do stan an illiterate bleaching thief anyway

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11 minutes ago, DisneyRejects said:

Yeah and then you know what else she did she made a video using !!!!!!!----RAPE----!!!!! in the plot, worked with alleged rapist Terry Richardson and R.Kelly an alleged rapist all to stay relevant and then became a spokesmodel for rape victims :) 



"I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf

While jacking off listening to Mozart

You bitch and moan about LA
Wishing you were in the rain reading Hemingway"

-From "Ur So Ghey"



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Which pill did you take, because you're hallucinating.

Gaga led a REVOLUTION for pop music. Before 08/09, music was lulling. We had an overflow of boring alt-rock groups and pop music was suffering from a lack of creativity. Just Dance came and broke open the doors for pop once again, for which many artists ought to be grateful.

I can't even remember what Katy's debut was. It was a piss poor attempt at being vaguely lesbian to appeal to the gehyz all the while sexing it up for the GP. It really wasn't anything special. 

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10 minutes ago, Alejandreaux said:

or blatantly tell them to "hang themselves with their H&M scarfs"in one of her songs awk1

and then turn around in her next era and put gays in her video, saying were all "fireworks" lmfao1



 rape video

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10 minutes ago, DisneyRejects said:

Yeah and then you know what else she did she made a video using !!!!!!!----RAPE----!!!!! in the plot, worked with alleged rapist Terry Richardson and R.Kelly another alleged rapist all to stay relevant and then became a spokesmodel for rape victims but til it happens to u do what u want with my body 


drag a bit lmfao1

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2 minutes ago, Harry Styles said:

Because she's smart and as pop music fans a lot of us love basic and simple. Plus you know... she didn't wanna start off with false bisexuality 

youre right, she did that with her second single instead

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5 minutes ago, Crystal Whore said:

Which pill did you take, because you're hallucinating.

Gaga led a REVOLUTION for pop music. Before 08/09, music was lulling. We had an overflow of boring alt-rock groups and pop music was suffering from a lack of creativity. Just Dance came and broke open the doors for pop once again, for which many artists ought to be grateful.

I can't even remember what Katy's debut was. It was a piss poor attempt at being vaguely lesbian to appeal to the gehyz all the while sexing it up for the GP. It really wasn't anything special. 

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lmfao1 just dance sounds like anything by the black eyed peas when they were peaking!! 

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