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Gaga being classy and humble responding to David Bowie's son clap3

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Gaga said “I don’t know why people compare me to David Bowie, because there will never be another David Bowie and I don’t think anyone is comparable to him.

“Maybe because I stole his lightning bolt for my first video, but it was an homage to my greatest inspiration. I don’t know, it makes me uncomfortable, I should say – I just want to be me.”


“I did my very best to put together something that I hoped would be the showstopper of the night. All I wanted was for when the Grammys were over, for people to talk of nothing but David Bowie, and I think I achieved that.”

“It did hurt. But what are you going to do? I can’t… it’s his father, you know. Whatever he was feeling in that moment I have compassion and love for him. But yes, of course it hurt. I still have to trust and believe in myself as a Bowie fan. I’m not his family, and the thing is, that’s his father. His father is not David Bowie, his father is David Jones.

“I’m sure that was difficult to watch and of course, I called many people on David’s team before I even begun doing that project and it’s unfortunate, what can I say? But God bless of him, you know?”




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13 hours ago, Jony said:

Why couldn't she be that classy yesterday xtina17

hahahaha because this is an example of how she can be smart when she's not pissed and has her filter on, yesterday she was caugh off guard and pissed, nothing comes out good when u're pissed orangu1

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Gaga said “I don’t know why people compare me to David Bowie, because there will never be another David Bowie and I don’t think anyone is comparable to him. “Maybe because I stole his lightning b

should have ignored him by leaving him in the dust where he belongs  

Why couldn't she be that classy yesterday 

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