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Why is Gaga a horrible streaming force?

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7 hours ago, Jjang said:

Her peaking before the streaming era doesn't excuse her doing horrible though, why did Rihanna or Perry transition perfectly?

Because while those two were successfully transitioning into the digital era... Gaga was transitioning into a woman 

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10 hours ago, Infrared said:

@Rihanna Well that would make sense. The combination of her pop fans and r&b fans would give her her biggest hits. It's easier for R&B fans to like pop music than for pop fans to like R&B music because Pop music is inclusive, whereas R&B is more specific.

I think it's a vaguely broad to claim that R&B fans will easily find Pop music to be accessible to their taste, beside that, FourFiveSeconds is not instantly accessible to either Pop or R&B fans by any means theoretically, so why was it so dominant streaming wise? and if Pop music is inclusive (not saying I disagree) then wouldn't that mean that Gaga's music should benefit from this matter as well?

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10 hours ago, Gilly said:

 i just stated that taylor has never released a song as big as pokerface/just dance, etc and that is a fact. 

Shake It Off & Blank Space both sold 10 million copies WW and will reach 2B views in 2017, if you seriously think Poker Face / Just Dance were bigger than that. rip4 The millions of more sales by Gaga's hits are equivalent to the billions of more streams by Taylor's.

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5 hours ago, Jjang said:

I think it's a vaguely broad to claim that R&B fans will easily find Pop music to be accessible to their taste, beside that, FourFiveSeconds is not instantly accessible to either Pop or R&B fans by any means theoretically, so why was it so dominant streaming wise? and if Pop music is inclusive (not saying I disagree) then wouldn't that mean that Gaga's music should benefit from this matter as well?

45S was her first single in 3 years and had both Kanye and Paul  um2 


R&B is the current trend now, not country-pop. Her music is the opposite direction of what's hot. It's not innovative, but it's just not as commercial as releasing R&B music at the moment. um2 

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52 minutes ago, Infrared said:

45S was her first single in 3 years and had both Kanye and Paul  um2 

So is Perfect Illusion oprah8 Kanye's last major hit previous to 45S was in 2011 and Paul's in the 70's oprah8 don't act like they're the reason for the song being a hit and don't ignore the point : the song is not instantly accessible to either R&B or Pop fans and yet it still was a streaming hit, which neglects your theory. The song was unique in 2015 and is surely more of a challenging listen than anything on Joanne.

52 minutes ago, Infrared said:

R&B is the current trend now, not country-pop. Her music is the opposite direction of what's hot. It's not innovative, but it's just not as commercial as releasing R&B music at the moment. um2 

This Is What You Came For is EDM oprah8 and Work is not even R&B, it's dancehall and here's a fact : it's the first #1 dancehall song since 2006, so if anything Rihanna was one of the artists who started the trend instead of riding it when it hit big. oprah8

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55 minutes ago, Jjang said:

So is Perfect Illusion oprah8 Kanye's last major hit previous to 45S was in 2011 and Paul's in the 70's oprah8 don't act like they're the reason for the song being a hit and don't ignore the point : the song is not instantly accessible to either R&B or Pop fans and yet it still was a streaming hit, which neglects your theory. The song was unique in 2015 and is surely more of a challenging listen than anything on Joanne.

This Is What You Came For is EDM oprah8 and Work is not even R&B, it's dancehall and here's a fact : it's the first #1 dancehall song since 2006, so if anything Rihanna was one of the artists who started the trend instead of riding it when it hit big. oprah8

I mean not really awk1 


Rihanna working with both Kanye & Paul is a major feat and brought her a new demographic of listeners. Are you acting dumb to think Millennials don't stan the beatles, especially as a Madonna fan, you should know better.


You realize Kanye has an insanely popular base, regardless of single success. I never said the song was a hit because of them. I said it was a big as it was because they were also featured. There's a difference in the argument.


Comparing Perfect Illusion and 4FS is idiotic because Gaga fell off the radio, whereas Rihanna was coming from an era with her two biggest hits. It's exactly the same as Born This Way oprah8


You realize there is more than one popular genre um2  overall there has been a dominance in streaming in black - specific genres, including Hip-Hop and Reggae / Dancehall Pop, and Tropical House has elements of Dancehall. Reggae influenced music had been making the rounds since 2013 and the song is the radio friendly song of the year and features the most streamed artist of the year oprah8


Is Perfect Illusion straight up EDM like the Chainsmokers and Calvin Harris? oprah8  Isn't Calvin Harris' last collaboration with Rihanna her biggest hit oprah8

You keep listing examples that are dependent on other people oprah8

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36 minutes ago, Infrared said:

I mean not really awk1 


Rihanna working with both Kanye & Paul is a major feat and brought her a new demographic of listeners. Are you acting dumb to think Millennials don't stan the beatles, especially as a Madonna fan, you should know better.


You realize Kanye has an insanely popular base, regardless of single success. I never said the song was a hit because of them. I said it was a big as it was because they were also featured. There's a difference in the argument.

You still don't seem to understand the point, FourFiveSeconds was an unusual effort for a pop record in 2015, for Rihanna, for Kanye and for Paul, which neglects several of your theories : that Rihanna succeeds because she plays according to the trends or because she has a crossover fan base, all of that is debunked because 1) the song didn't follow any trend and 2) it did not serve the taste of either Pop or R&B fans. It wasn't a merge of all things the fan bases of these artists loved and therefore a marketable product, it was actually the opposite, a song that doesn't follow the formula of either artists that is featured on it nor the formula of what's being played on the radio. Paul's last hit was decades ago, so even if he contributed to the song's success, it's an insignificant contribution anyway, your argument doesn't affect mine, because if, lets say, Kanye caused 20% of the song's success, I can still achieve the same point given 80% of the song's success. rav1


36 minutes ago, Infrared said:


Is Perfect Illusion straight up EDM like the Chainsmokers and Calvin Harris? oprah8  Isn't Calvin Harris' last collaboration with Rihanna her biggest hit oprah8

You keep listing examples that are dependent on other people oprah8

But straight up EDM died in the U.S ever since 2014 :

Outside - #29

Open Wide - didn't chart

Pray To God - didn't chart

How Deep Is Your Love - #27

This Is What You Came For - #3 

coincidence? I think not. oprah11 Calvin needs to thank Rihanna and not the other way around, at least in the U.S

Just admit it, Rihanna has the power that all monsters wish Gaga had, which is the ability to take a non trendy soundscape and make it a hit.

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Because she is/was front loaded as hell. It's mostly her fans buying her music, not the GP hence her huge drops for BTW and ARTPOP. Joanne has converted some of the GP back though hence why it's selling with a bit of stability. the album doesn't really have singles so they're not being streamed and the people who are buying the album are not people who use Spotify because they're generally the older generation.

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1 hour ago, Jjang said:

You still don't seem to understand the point, FourFiveSeconds was an unusual effort for a pop record in 2015, for Rihanna, for Kanye and for Paul, which neglects several of your theories : that Rihanna succeeds because she plays according to the trends or because she has a crossover fan base, all of that is debunked because 1) the song didn't follow any trend and 2) it did not serve the taste of either Pop or R&B fans. It wasn't a merge of all things the fan bases of these artists loved and therefore a marketable product, it was actually the opposite, a song that doesn't follow the formula of either artists that is featured on it nor the formula of what's being played on the radio. Paul's last hit was decades ago, so even if he contributed to the song's success, it's an insignificant contribution anyway, your argument doesn't affect mine, because if, lets say, Kanye caused 20% of the song's success, I can still achieve the same point given 80% of the song's success. rav1


But straight up EDM died in the U.S ever since 2014 :

Outside - #29

Open Wide - didn't chart

Pray To God - didn't chart

How Deep Is Your Love - #27

This Is What You Came For - #3 

coincidence? I think not. oprah11 Calvin needs to thank Rihanna and not the other way around, at least in the U.S

Just admit it, Rihanna has the power that all monsters wish Gaga had, which is the ability to take a non trendy soundscape and make it a hit.

But you're not arguing anything I denied um2 

When did I say Gaga was more successful than Rihanna at the moment awk1 


are Beatles fans listening to Rihanna on a consistent basis? No. You're literally repeating arguments that I'm addressing. I said it's as big as it was BECAUSE of the added fanbases. It would've been a decent hit regardless given the wait between eras as I said like Born This Way, which is a radical departure from Gaga's TFM sound and distinct from what was popular on the radio at the time.


I said radios would easily play a Calvin Harris x Rihanna collaboration the same way they played the Monster (feat Rihanna) because their previous collaboration smashed. It's not that hard to get jj4 

The song structure is basic as fuck, it was literally written by Taylor Swift exactly for the radio dead2 

and TIWYCF was coming off Work and Needed Me. It's not rocket science to think other singles would get a boost from RIhanna being successful already and alternative r&b has elements of dance music, so it's not like Rihanna fans have to move far down the spectrum. You're acting as if RIhanna has never sung a song like TIWYCF, when her fanbase was built on essentially that type of music jj4  

It's a typical summer single and there wasn't alot of new material this summer to begin with. Hence why his song Summer, that literally had the same treatment, peaked at #7 dead2 

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1 hour ago, Infrared said:

are Beatles fans listening to Rihanna on a consistent basis? No. You're literally repeating arguments that I'm addressing. I said it's as big as it was BECAUSE of the added fanbases. It would've been a decent hit regardless given the wait between eras as I said like Born This Way, which is a radical departure from Gaga's TFM sound and distinct from what was popular on the radio at the time.


And I've already addressed that : even if it was 80% as big as it actually was, my point still applies.  So your "as big as it was!!!" argument is meaningless.

And I don't think Gaga's career dynamics apply to Rihanna's, again, you're using vague arguments. Rihanna didn't capitalize on her momentum and went on a months old campaigne to promote FourFiveSeconds like Gaga did with Born This Way, Gaga had this whole "what is she going to do next?" aura about her and her team completely capitalized on that starting to hype the song already in 2010 and by the end of 2011 she had performed it on every promotional platform possible. They are completely different scenarios, by that logic Rise should have been a dominant hit too due to Prism's success, but that didn't happen. And if you want to make this to even more of a dog fight then I'll be more than happy to refresh your memory even further back : Don't Stop The Music & Disturbia (Dance - Pop) smashed at a time (according to monsters lmao) when this genre was neglected by the radio, after that came Rude Boy and that surely didn't sound like anything on American radio at the time, then songs like Stay & Diamonds smashed in an occean of EDM trends and then came FourFiveSeconds, meaning her entire career is compiled from hits that didn't follow a current safe formula and for that she needs to be credited for, but let me guess, each and every one of those eras were "her Born This Way" as well? it seems like you monsters are so comfortable to use this card as a disadvantage for Gaga but once an other artist does it and succeeds it suddenly becomes unimpressive, safe and trend riding. Rihanna is more of a trend setter than Gaga ever was.

I mean, just for fun, place Love On The Brain and Million Reasons next to each other and tell me which song sounds more radio - friendly, please. rip4

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