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17 hours ago, Mamacita said:

I didn't have the misfortune of being raised in a country that was taken over by a blood-thirsty mad dictator, and his cronies at one point or another in its history (until last November), so my view is tunneled. mad5



They were busy distabilizing other governments, and it's rare to have a country where 100% of people suffer daily. America didn't spend a day without a persona non grata, be it suspected Socialists, blacks, the Irish etc. Look at any president in recent, XXth century history, especially the 50s. It never knew a true Democracy either, considering the numbers of disenfranchised people at any point in history.

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17 hours ago, Mamacita said:

Speaking of which, I got into a debate with someone today about how the French Revolution is perhaps the singularly most important event of the last 300 years. 

I've never been so intellectually aroused in my life bey1

I'd say WWII is more influential jj3  That truly shifted the world to what it is today.  But I guess you could say WWII wouldn't have happened without the French Revolution. 

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9 minutes ago, Infrared said:

I'd say WWII is more influential jj3  That truly shifted the world to what it is today.  But I guess you could say WWII wouldn't have happened without the French Revolution. 

I disagreed with my friend, he was the one pushing that point, but he was quite correct to point out that the French Revolution, combined with the rise of Napoleon and the reorganization of Europe by the Allies, in somes directly, and in others, in directly, led to World War I and II - and most of the events that followed both wars. It's an interesting way to look at it, if not entirely plausible.  

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15 minutes ago, Vertigo-go said:

They were busy distabilizing other governments, and it's rare to have a country where 100% of people suffer daily. America didn't spend a day without a persona non grata, be it suspected Socialists, blacks, the Irish etc. Look at any president in recent, XXth century history, especially the 50s. It never knew a true Democracy either, considering the numbers of disenfranchised people at any point in history.

I'm not arguing against any of that - what I'm saying is that the United States Government has remained one of the most stable institutions in the world, for good or for bad, and that's why people who live under it don't demand it be overthrown and replaced by something else. Yes, you won't have everyone suffer, but by that same token, you're never going to have 100% of the people flourish, and you're certainly not going to have everyone agree, so in that sense true Democracy is impossible. 

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2 minutes ago, Mamacita said:

I'm not arguing against any of that - what I'm saying is that the United States Government has remained one of the most stable institutions in the world, for good or for bad, and that's why people who live under it don't demand it be overthrown and replaced by something else. Yes, you won't have everyone suffer, but by that same token, you're never going to have 100% of the people flourish, and you're certainly not going to have everyone agree, so in that sense true Democracy is impossible. 

It may or may not have something to do with the country being so young ny1

Civil War was a pretty devastating, history-changing event though, the country is pretty much the opposite of what it was originally, so here is one "life-changing" event for you.

Unless you mean some wack "revolution every five years" scenario, which I think you do, - but that's a rare phenomena. Turkey, Argentina, Russia, Iran and Venezuela are probably the only countries that changed overnight every 10-30 years in last century. Also, many countries didn't really have much change at all, aside from disbanding Monarchy. I'd say Japan is still the same country it always was, so is UK.


I actually agree with the post 100%, though!

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My brain reminded me of that Jimmy Fallon Trump thing, and I will bever forgive him for that. And that's the guy who's supposed to be "far left libtard Hollywood" type for the supporters. Him making a cartoon character and swooshing the man's hair trash1 You think he got a check for that or? That was fucking bizarre and disturbing.

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Can somebody explain to me why, if Putin backed Trump up, US/Russia relationships are detoriating? orly1

If Diimon went rogue, Poo would probably just release some dirt on him in hopes of getting him impeached,  I don't understand?

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7 hours ago, Hermione said:

I can't at Democrats STILL arguing over Hillary vs. Bernie. Get over it and move on. We have bigger problems to worry about.

It's plausible. Berniebros don't want anyone other than Bernie running, and call any Democrat looking to run Hillary 2.0.


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7 hours ago, Hermione said:

I can't at Democrats STILL arguing over Hillary vs. Bernie. Get over it and move on. We have bigger problems to worry about.

Like what other problems ? We should be happy that Trump isn't impeached considering if he was, Mike Pence would become president until next election. 

Only thing we can do is to make sure we don't choose a Hillary 2.0 for next election.

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7 hours ago, Infrared said:

It's plausible. Berniebros don't want anyone other than Bernie running, and call any Democrat looking to run Hillary 2.0.



7 hours ago, CalixSpurius said:

Only thing we can do is to make sure we don't choose a Hillary 2.0 for next election.

Lmao. rip4

7 hours ago, CalixSpurius said:

Like what other problems ?

DACA, for example. I'm not even an official democrat (no party affiliation and I plan to keep it that way), but they need to get their shit together and stop the infighting if they ever want to win another election. Hillary versus Bernie debates are so passé and counterproductive. It's 2017, they both lost, and both sides should be thinking about how to fix this Trump mess and preparing for 2020 instead of crying over spilled milk (especially the Bernie stans tbh). orangu1

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6 minutes ago, Vertigo-go said:

Is it fake news, or Clinton went into a meltdown leave britney alone 2003? Like the things I read her say and blame everyone for her loss wendy4

I wouldn't vote for her, always thought she was fake as nails, but she seems pretty sober-minded jay1


Did she? My mom was telling me this morning that she was watching her big interview but we didn't really go into the details.


I agree about blaming others for her loss though lol. Specifically I remember reading about all this Libertarian/Green Party voter hate after the election results, like...take responsibility for your own shitty candidate people ny1 No need to shift the blame to people who never supported you in the first place.

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4 minutes ago, Breathless Mahoney said:

Did she? My mom was telling me this morning that she was watching her big interview but we didn't really go into the details.


I agree about blaming others for her loss though lol. Specifically I remember reading about all this Libertarian/Green Party voter hate after the election results, like...take responsibility for your own shitty candidate people ny1 

The two-party system boggles my mind, so I can't even imagine having a choice where you need to vote for somebody you don't want, but the other guy is actually a satan; but yeah, I would vote for her in the end, and so should've other people, but they were too petty and dumb wendy4

Honestly, Clinton is like a corporate android who would also make life difficult for many countries, she's got a mindset of an obnoxious proto-fascist American leader that thinks actually using the words "Leader of the Free World" and giving ultimatums left and right, is acceptable. Fuck her!

Trump's relationships aren't working simply because he's a bloody narcissist superfreak. I honestly don't believe anyone would start a war with that man, but god, will powerful countries take an advantage now! wendy4


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9 minutes ago, Vertigo-go said:

The two-party system boggles my mind, so I can't even imagine having a choice where you need to vote for somebody you don't want, but the other guy is actually a satan; but yeah, I would vote for her in the end, and so should've other people, but they were too petty and dumb wendy4

Honestly, Clinton is like a corporate android who would also make life difficult for many countries, she's got a mindset of an obnoxious proto-fascist American leader that thinks actually using the words "Leader of the Free World" and giving ultimatums left and right, is acceptable. Fuck her!

Trump's relationships aren't working simply because he's a bloody narcissist superfreak. I honestly don't believe anyone would start a war with that man, but god, will powerful countries take an advantage now! wendy4


Yeah, if I lived in the States I personally would have voted for her that time around, but the two party system really does cause quite a division, and like I said also encourages a resentment for anybody who votes third party and doesn't support the current, very obviously flawed system. At least a lot of the third voters last election could probably say they genuinely believed in their candidate and their ideals - can't really say the same for a shitload of Democrats who just gritted their teeth and begrudgingly cast a vote for Hillary just to stop Trump, even though it was clear from the beginning that like half the country hated her. She is certainly a power-hungry opportunist, yea. 

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3 minutes ago, Breathless Mahoney said:

Yeah, if I lived in the States I personally would have voted for her that time around, but the two party system really does cause quite a division, and like I said also encourages a resentment for anybody who votes third party and doesn't support the current, very obviously flawed system. At least a lot of the third voters last election could probably say they genuinely believed in their candidate and their ideals - can't really say the same for a shitload of Democrats who just gritted their teeth and begrudgingly cast a vote for Hillary just to stop Trump, even though it was clear from the beginning that like half the country hated her. She is certainly a power-hungry opportunist, yea. 

I thought you were American, then Canadian, then American etc etc like 15 times fall5


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My thoughts are that his Chief of Staff is telling him to side with Democrats so it looks like he has a successful presidency and can win back over hesitant Democrat to trump voters.

Breaking with Republicans won't do him any bad since he won the election trashing them dead0


What do you think @Mamacita

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