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Clinton controlled CAP to vet 2020 candidates

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The Democratic establishment has preserved its political power by providing the Center for American Progress (CAP)—a think tank founded by Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta and run by Clinton surrogate Neera Tanden—with access and leverage over the party’s opposition to Trump.

On March 8, Politico reported that CAP will host an event to vet their preferred presidential nominees for the 2020 elections. “Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kamala Harris of California, Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York; Montana Gov. Steve Bullock; and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti are all confirmed to attend, and more are expected to be added to the event, scheduled for May 16.” This list provides further evidence that the Democratic Party will continue to forcefully push donors’ preferred candidates over progressive candidates who could make meaningful connections with voters.

Though Sen. Elizabeth Warren developed a reputation as a progressive icon for her role in establishing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and speaking out against Wall Street, Warren deflated much of the enthusiasm in her progressive base by refusing to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primaries, remaining silent on the Dakota Access Pipeline, and voting to confirm Ben Carson for HUD Secretary as a member of the Senate Banking Committee. Polls for her upcoming bid for re-election in 2018 reveal that her future in the Senate is uncertain—not to mention a bid for the presidency.

Sen. Cory Booker built his career on courting the press and wealthy donors, and owes his position in the Senate to a close friendship with Gov. Chris Christie. Since Clinton’s election loss, Booker voted against Sanders’ amendment to provide cheaper prescription drugs by importing from other countries and responded to backlash for this vote with an excuse that big pharmaceutical companies often cite. He also served on the board of an education organization with controversial Secretary of Education Betsy Devos. In 2014, The Washington Post reported that Booker and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell shared 74 individual campaign donors—more than any other opposing party members of Congress.

Sen. Chris Murphy lent himself as a political prop for the Clinton campaign to use against Sanders during the 2016 Democratic primaries. In a New York Daily News article published right before the New York Democratic Primary, he blamed Sanders for the Sandy Hook shooting. Because of this distasteful and unethical smear against Sanders, Murphy’s candidacy would fuel the resentment that progressives have for the Democratic Party.

Sen. Kamala Harris—a rookie senator whose sister worked directly for the Clinton campaign—is also another flop for a 2020 bid. She has received criticism for failing to prosecute Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s bank, OneWest Bank—despite overwhelming evidence of fraud. In her first election to become attorney general of California in 2011, Harris received campaign donations from Mnuchin’s wife at the time and OneWest Bank. In 2016, she was the only Democratic recipient of a campaign donation from Steve Mnuchin.

Sen. Kristen Gillibrand was hand-picked by Hillary Clinton to fill her Senate seat after Clinton became Secretary of State. Running Clinton 2.0 in 2020 ensures Trump’s re-election.

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock supported the Keystone XL pipeline, sent state troopers to North Dakota to suppress the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, and criticized Obama’s climate change policies stating that they went too far. As the threat of climate change increases, it’s becoming more important for future nominees to take aggressive stances on environmental issues—not tip-toe around the issue to appease the oil industry, as Clinton did throughout her campaign.

Affirming his status as a Democratic establishment surrogate, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti formally introduced Tom Perez before the DNC chair elections. In 2015, the LA Times gave Garcetti a “C” for continuously opting for the “path of least resistance.” In truth, this strategy is a staple of Clinton’s campaign and a quality that all of CAP’s preferred 2020 presidential candidates share. A recent study conducted by Wesleyan University found that Clinton avoided policy issues during her campaign more than any other presidential candidate in the last four elections.

Democrats cannot afford to nominate another presidential candidate who favors campaign donors, celebrities, and elites over working, middle class and low income voters. However, the Center for American Progress, a hub for neo-liberalism, is intent on fostering candidates who embody some of the most repelling qualities of the Democratic Party, which currently has a favorability rating in the low 30’s. In contrast, one of the Democrats’ most popular figures, Sen. Bernie Sanders, wasn’t mentioned in the report about CAP’s conference, nor were any progressives who support him. The Democratic Party can’t win without Sanders’ supporters, but they are making no concessions or reforms to earn the support of those voters. By failing to do so, they virtually ensure the defeat of the Democratic Party in 2020.


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It'll be interesting to see who the DNC picks in 2020. They really can't afford to lose this election or it'll be over for Democrats for decades to come.


Also the Senator Warren bullshit about her losing MA is a lie, especially by Republicans who want to push her out. Not gonna happen. I don't think she should run for president though. She's like H 2.0. 


If anybody runs, it should be a fresh face.

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Yes, let's let the people who lost to the most unpopular candidate in American history, and legitimate psychopath, dictate the future of the party.

Seems like a brilliant plan.

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Oh, let me put on my shocked face dead2

It is still the Clinton's party, anyone who thinks that she and her husband lost control of it in the fall doesn't realistically understand the party. They don't quite understand that when Bill and Hillary basically took over the utterly decimated national party in the 1990s, they built the modern party infrastructure from the ground up and stacked it with loyalists that still control most of the party. 

No amount of indignation or bitching is going to remove them from power. 


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1 hour ago, Infrared said:

Also the Senator Warren bullshit about her losing MA is a lie, especially by Republicans who want to push her out. Not gonna happen. I don't think she should run for president though. She's like H 2.0. 

I wouldn't discount the possibility of MA going into play - entirely. 

Especially if she runs for President or if she leaves that seat. 

Scott Brown proved that it's possible. 

Either way, the seat is inconsequential in 2018 in the bigger picture. 

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13 minutes ago, Mom said:

I wouldn't discount the possibility of MA going into play - entirely. 

Especially if she runs for President or if she leaves that seat. 

Scott Brown proved that it's possible. 

Either way, the seat is inconsequential in 2018 in the bigger picture. 

A Green Party candiate is going to run and he is gaining traction, Joshua Ford. And Curt Schilling said he might run and same for a business man named Rick Green on the GOP side.

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1 hour ago, Onika said:

Yes, let's let the people who lost to the most unpopular candidate in American history, and legitimate psychopath, dictate the future of the party.

Seems like a brilliant plan.

The slowly dying Democratic Party will screw it up because they think it is 1992, not 2017. Democrats don't realize the progressive wing controls the party now and people just won't vote democrat because they have a (D) behind their name. 

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1 hour ago, Infrared said:

Also the Senator Warren bullshit about her losing MA is a lie, especially by Republicans who want to push her out. Not gonna happen. I don't think she should run for president though. She's like H 2.0. 


She is Hillary lite after she didn't give Bernie the MA endorsement and didn't defend DAPL and voted for Carson. Warren before 2016 would have been a great choice. NOT now.

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1 hour ago, Infrared said:

If anybody runs, it should be a fresh face.

Bernie still has the most progressive traction despite his age. Also Tulsi Gabbard out of Hawaii. Nina Turner, former senator out of Ohio, and Joe Kennedy III is a possibility but I haven't really looked in to him yet.

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34 minutes ago, Mom said:

Oh, let me put on my shocked face dead2

It is still the Clinton's party, anyone who thinks that she and her husband lost control of it in the fall doesn't realistically understand the party. They don't quite understand that when Bill and Hillary basically took over the utterly decimated national party in the 1990s, they built the modern party infrastructure from the ground up and stacked it with loyalists that still control most of the party. 

No amount of indignation or bitching is going to remove them from power. 


Guess will- LOSSES after LOSSES.

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2 minutes ago, lautnerfied said:

Bernie still has the most progressive traction despite his age. Also Tulsi Gabbard out of Hawaii. Nina Turner, former senator out of Ohio, and Joe Kennedy III is a possibility but I haven't really looked in to him yet.

Kennedy would be an interesting choice and Americans love Kennedy, but all those racists would come out again because Kennedy was when the Civil Rights Movement started to shift towards the Democrats.


I think it might be a 50/50 thing where people don't want to see a "name" politician, but also Kennedy family is respected and he is young. I think young people like voting for young people if they had the option.


Having an Ohio senator running could do wonders because Ohio reshapes the map in many ways. Hawaii I think would be too hard to preach to the middle west, because most people see it as vacation land dead4 


Bernie sadly is done. 

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17 minutes ago, lautnerfied said:

The slowly dying Democratic Party will screw it up because they think it is 1992, not 2017. Democrats don't realize the progressive wing controls the party now and people just won't vote democrat because they have a (D) behind their name. 







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30 minutes ago, lautnerfied said:

Bernie still has the most progressive traction despite his age. Also Tulsi Gabbard out of Hawaii. Nina Turner, former senator out of Ohio, and Joe Kennedy III is a possibility but I haven't really looked in to him yet.

He doesn't though, maybe from the wing of the party that still supports him, but considering the fact that the Clinton's still control the Democratic Party, you're missing half your brain if you think that they're going to let him anywhere near the nomination, with his age and what he did this last time in consideration. 

Tulsi Gabbard is interesting, and she's one that I'd be willing to entertain, but she has a big problem, aside from national recognition, the fact that she was on the short list to become President Trump's Secretary of State - and from my observations of progressives, they have a tendency to reject anything that has his name even near it. 

Nina Turner isn't interesting on the other hand, but she's a State Senator, she doesn't have the national profile, she doesn't have DNC to rely on to boost it, considering that she backed Sanders and that fact will not convince them to do it. Neither will the fact that her only state wide campaign resulted in her losing to her Republican opponent by 25 points. I'm pretty sure that I have a better chance of moonwalking on the actual moon then her getting the Democratic Nomination for President

Joe Kennedy has stated that he has no plans to run for another office, and his biggest problem is is name - the Kennedys of the 1960s and the 2010s are two different things. After what happened in the 70s, 80s and 90s - I highly doubt that the Kennedys will ever go near the big chair again. RFK was the last one that had any real chance. 

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3 minutes ago, Hermione said:

Omg what if this actually did happen though... I can't even begin to imagine the mess on both sides. dead1

It's possible. 

Adlai Stevenson was the Democratic Parties Nominee three election cycles in a row.

She garnered more primary votes then any other candidate in US History and received more votes in the general election than any other candidate, save Barack Obama.

She still owns the Democratic Party and she's still the second heaviest favorite at this real preliminary stage for 2020.

I wouldn't count her out until she's explicitly said that she's not running again.   

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1 minute ago, Mom said:

It's possible. 

Adlai Stevenson was the Democratic Parties Nominee three election cycles in a row.

She garnered more primary votes then any other candidate in US History and received more votes in the general election than any other candidate, save Barack Obama.

She still owns the Democratic Party and she's still the second heaviest favorite at this real preliminary stage for 2020.

I wouldn't count her out until she's explicitly said that she's not running again.   

Welp, perched for the Bernie Bro meltdowns! rav2

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Yes, let's let the people who lost to the most unpopular candidate in American history, and legitimate psychopath, dictate the future of the party. Seems like a brilliant plan.

It'll be interesting to see who the DNC picks in 2020. They really can't afford to lose this election or it'll be over for Democrats for decades to come.   Also the Senator Warren bullshit a

She is Hillary lite after she didn't give Bernie the MA endorsement and didn't defend DAPL and voted for Carson. Warren before 2016 would have been a great choice. NOT now.

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