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Kesha | My Own Dance | November 21st, 2019

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Chorus needed a bit more work and the concept is a tad weird. "You want me to rap, so I will, but fuck you at the same time. I'll give into your demands anyway." 


I love the verses. This song is basically the fun version of Emotional IMO. Creative and overall the song bops and is still better than 99.9% of music ever, so IDRC. And even when Kesha doesn't hit a home run... c'mon guys... love it with me cause you know you want to. hottie1

I just watched the video. It had a few funny moments and she looked good. The American dick and magic cereal made me laugh. Nothing super special for her though.  

Overall a mixed bag, but I like the song and it gives me those good fefes.

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2 hours ago, Sheezus said:

Chorus needed a bit more work and the concept is a tad weird. "You want me to rap, so I will, but fuck you at the same time. I'll give into your demands anyway." 


I love the verses. This song is basically the fun version of Emotional IMO. Creative and overall the song bops and is still better than 99.9% of music ever, so IDRC. And even when Kesha doesn't hit a home run... c'mon guys... love it with me cause you know you want to. hottie1

I just watched the video. It had a few funny moments and she looked good. The American dick and magic cereal made me laugh. Nothing super special for her though.  

Overall a mixed bag, but I like the song and it gives me those good fefes.

The same thought crossed my mind!! It’s almost as if Emotional was her during a crying session, but then MOD was her after feeling a bit better but still bitter. 

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