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Dennis Reynolds

The Top Answer Game - Round Five (Finale): Results Show

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Welcome to Round Five, the finale of this season of The Top Answer Game!


It will last for roughly two hours. 10 people have sent me their answers for this round, and I will reveal the answers of each question individually, and after every 2 questions, there will also be a bonus question. Whoever first answers the question correctly will have +3 points added to their score.


This is also the third round in which players have been allowed to choose one special answer.



1. Name a common New Year's resolution

2. Name something that a lot of people are allergic to

3. Name some famous last words

4. Who will be the next President of the United States?

5. Name a shortened version of the name 'Elizabeth'

6. Name a word that is likely to be used in a sentence that works as a double entendre

7. Name a card game

8. Name a reason to become a vigilante

9. Name an invention you think will be in wide use by the 22nd century

10.  Name someone that joined the 27 Club

11. Name a way to get out of jury duty

12. Name a popular Australian celebrity

13. Name something that a scarecrow might wear

14. Name a reason to take up smoking

15. Who will win this season of The Top Answer Game?



@Chris @Autumn Variations @Lynk @Gabe. @Diego @Kristina @fab @Jae @Entea @Metric


Let's do this one last time until probably like mid/late March or so unless someone else hosts a season between now and then! brit16 


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hopefully not too late for @Gabe. 

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