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About Elvira

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    Certified: 2x Platinum
  1. The song has not premiered and it's already flopping
  2. Eric Sadee's latest album .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'>
  3. I remember how much I loved this video back then and how much intrigued it left me
  4. Your addiction with this forum never fades .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'>
  5. How many things is she gonna reveal on 9/17??? Because if it were up to you guys, she would announce her plans from now till the day she turns 80
  6. I can never figure out what she's eating. a tangerine?
  7. Well, she'll most likely never perform anywhere else apart from Las Vegas
  8. Who's the troll now? :interesting: You know you were listening to a song called that way :interesting: My inbox is ready for anything you'd like to confess :interesting:
  9. October 22nd 2000... first and last time she ever performed here... and ya see me complaining?? (YES I HAD TO LOOK THAT UP)
  10. I'm not the one listening to Britney Spears - W.E.R.K.