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About rayven

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    Certified: Silver

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  1. The fact that people are calling her a flop for having a #1 song on the Rolling Stone Chart and a top 5 (predicted) debut on B100 The high standards people seem to have when you're the new IT girl
  2. I enjoyed it a lot. It's very well produced and I love how funky and fun it is
  3. Listening to hard candy for the first time. Why do people hate this album so much?
  4. she's doing carpool karaoke.... im a bit excited now
  5. Breathe is so good. Ive been obsessed lately
  6. I want a huge choir at some point like in the mv for giaw. Like maybe open up with a huge choir singing acapella or something? There's so much potential for this performance
  7. and she's actually gotten better at performing too based off of the performances she's given so far
  8. come through scooter honestly, god is a woman deserves a huge/controversial performance. I can't imagine anything else doing the song justice
  9. Im not worried about the music, since we're pretending TLIC doesnt exist I was just hoping for a more eventful era I still have hope though. The sweetener era is still only beginning
  10. I really wanted her to solidify her status this era. Things were literally being set up for her to do so. Im hoping her vmas performance is huge. I get that her heavy promo during the ME era was damaging to her mental health but it would have been nice to have a little more this era.
  11. I dont feel any excitement either i think that'll probably change once we get closer to the day of but I was expecting her to DOMINATE and be EVERYWHERE this era. She's the biggest pop star in the world right now so I was expecting more of an event
  12. her confidence on stage has improved so much