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East Coast

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Everything posted by East Coast

  1. A bit rude to the fans that may prefer her older work. Which is the majority.
  2. Interscope are hungry for money after many failed or unreleased projects in 2013 it would seem :jonny: For $99 she should have chucked in Jewellery or something like Ellie did. Lana fans would KILL for a Lana necklace and lbr Lana is very materialistic.
  3. I would've hurried Bionic up and put it out before Burlesque tbh. I mean Bionic was 23 tracks or something and if she cut it short and sweet she could have had it out in time. The reason why she failed after 4 years is because there were artists taking up places during that time. Katy Perry came in as the new "beautiful pop girl" which basically replaced Britney. Gaga came in and stole Xtina's thunder. 2008 was kind of Xtina's make or break year, and she broke it. Still, she makes good music. Unlike some albums who we don't even know for sure who sung them It's why Beyonce and
  4. B2B 81 shows / 90 million gross = 1.1 million per show. MB 201 shows / 227 million gross = 1.1 million per show. It was the same. And Monster Ball tickets were only $80 and Christina's tickets wouldn't have been cheaper than that.
  5. She should have just started the Bionic era in 2008. There was no need for a GH. She only had 10 singles at that point, and not all of them were "hits". If she had, she wouldn't have faded by the time 2010 came around. The gap between B2B and Bionic killed her hype.
  6. If Xtina fans don't think she is credible anymore, why keep posting about her? I mean if you keep posting about her it shows you think she's credible. If you don't like someone, don't listen/watch. The fact that you Google Britney video's in your spare time speaks volume, does it not?
  7. To be fair, Britney Jean was OUSTELLING Artpop most weeks. Had RCA pushed a third single I think BJ would've still had some sales in it. But I don't see any of these girls doing more than 200k first week, except for Katy and Bey.
  8. Hopefully it won't take long to record an album. Should hopefully be ready by the end of this year :duca: If she was smart she'd release a single now before the album is finished, since Say Something is still on people's minds. Then have the baby, cause a stir in the media, and then release the album toward the end of the year. The baby alone is a lot of promo and she wouldn't have to do much from that point on. All she needs to do is sell 700k like Bionic did and tbh that would be considered a moderate success nowadays.
  9. She will name it after a flower that can survive the harshest of conditions
  10. Picking on her dancing, skills and artistry is one thing. Mocking someones struggles is another.
  11. You're all delusional for judging either. Everyone knows Britney has had a severe medical condition that she became untreated for in 2006 - 2008. Dragging someone with medical conditions is like laughing at an autistic child. And Christina fan getting "life" from some bitch who earns $20 to record vocals, needs to remember that they also cursed at Perez for picking on Xtina and yet picking on Britney's personal issues rather than professional ones is okay? Basically no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, and y'all delusional for thinking you do. All we do know is
  12. I thought you meant 'here' as in the albums they chose were shit Which is half true since they missed his best album
  13. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. All this song does is show that Myah is pressed that her whole career is based on voicing someone else's. You can tell it's personal because it attacks personal. Had Myah actually dragged Britney's professional career, then it would be something significant. This is just bullying the person personally because she's the only reason you have a career.
  14. Meh. It would have been clever had it not been in such poor taste bring her kids into it when she was suffering from bipolar. She's just angry that after how any years of being on Britney tracks, no one thinks she's good enough to go solo. It would've actually been a drag had she come for her professional career. Instead she just makes fun of the pressures Britney was put through. This is no different to Perez insulting Xtina, or Kesha etc. This crosses the barrier, and you can't defend one while praising the other.
  15. Well so far you haven't made any points for your argument. The people she talks about on her album in a negative way are used sarcastically. For example, Rita is name dropped as "some rita girl" on Sheezus, but Rita and her are good friends. She picks a "character" in a song, and she even drags herself at one point.
  16. She's been a bitch to no one recently? And that doesn't make sense. If it was basic sarcasm than you'd understand. Hence if you don't get it, it's obviously not basic. She's ALWAYS said there is nothing amazing about her and that she's not overly talented. She made music that people liked. She's said she never understood why but if people like it, she will make it.
  17. You do realise that the name checking in her songs don't insult anyone. She's putting herself on the same side as them. "If you don't detect the sarcasm you're misunderstood" She's been getting people pressed in the industry left right and centre because people don't understand sarcasm. -- She never said she changed her sound. Her albums have always been a mix of pop and other influences. Previously she's allowed to push songs like Not Fair, Who'd Have Know, Littlest Things, Alfie etc. Now this era she's only been allowed to release pop music, and the rest is on
  18. A song isn't really the same as an album though.
  19. You always hated lily though. As if you were considering seeing her live? And Lily isn't just #1 in the UK. And how is Lily a cunt of a human being? When she took a 5 year break to focus on family and charity. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean she's a cunt.
  20. I never said it would slay I said it is slaying It might sell like 90k all said and done. But in this current moment, it is slaying.
  21. Exactly though And she never released a single in the US
  22. Lily's never relied on singles or promo though. She's only had two hit singles in her whole career.
  23. That doesn't make any sense Gabe How can she not be doing well when she's #1 in some of the biggest album selling markets in the world. All she needs is Germany and she'd be set. The rest is your assumption because you hate her But Lily always has longevity rather than front loaded sales. But considering Lily isn't promoting and only doing it because she wants to get out of her record contract (4 albums) so she can stay at home and look after her kids, she's slaying.