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Russian Roulette

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Everything posted by Russian Roulette

  1. good she took some time off from slaughtering chicken
  2. is she looking for a new target to beef with this era, now that Katy said all there was to say?or just trying to create stan base wars?
  3. my body is not worked in the gym, i'm quite average looking, slightly on the androgynous side but i embraced my body because it's mine and i don't need to work to get to abs and muscles to make me happy people usually complement me on my look cause they say it's put together and clean and i always pick jeans that can make my ass look good on cause that's one of my best physical qualities but the skin, i am abit concerned cause i don't wanna get premature wrinkles and i need tips from her
  4. bitch i smell the subtle shade in there ''No reason to tear down an artist simply because they are on top. '' what she really means is ''bitch your time will come'' queen of developing her psychic shade abilities
  5. tbh seeing her like this gives me hope for the future i'm a few years away until i'm 30 and i always had a paranoia about how my looks will change but seeing her, taking care of hreself and looking absolutely amazing gives me hope that it can't be that bad as what i'm afraid it will be if i need to invest in cosmetics and expensive creams from now on consider me in full fighter mode
  6. yes i'm surprised no one really takes into account the damge that the sun takes on your skin, even in these pictures i bet she has at least 2 products on with high SPF
  7. or i should've said be as iconic as you can get in your 20's then lazy as fuck in your 30's
  8. be lazy and release your stuff every once in a blue moon you're adapting slowly
  9. at this point if she's not releasing new music she should release skin products tbh i'd be all over that other veterans can't relate
  10. i thought it was gonna be Britney singing Happy Birthday at first
  11. seriously she needs a legend like Gretchen to open for her tbh
  12. it takes someone to listen to a verse and now they want to purchase a CD when will your faves
  13. @TSUNAMI let's grab papers and our suitcase sis