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Vesper last won the day on March 27 2018

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  1. It’s Dirrrty (boxing ring), Slave 4 U (aesthetic and setting), MATM (wooden hallways). It’s pretty clear in her interview too that she references both of them in her work.
  2. Just because sports existed in ancient times does not mean that it transcends music in its importance. And modern football specifically came from one origin and became popular worldwide. Music existed in ALL societies in different forms. You can’t compare an entire thing like music to a single thing like football - the more apt discussion would be music vs sports (but I also argue music > sports even in that comparison)
  3. This shouldn’t even be a comparison. Music has been around for millennia, and is a part of human history. It exists in every society in thousands of genres and styles. This is not even considering contemporary music (pop, rap, etc), just historic cultural music. On top of that, there are entire worlds dedicated to music theory, music as an academic pursuit, music history, music therapy, music composition, music production, music industry and business… In the end, music is a pillar of human culture. Football is just the most popular sport today I don’t see how they are even
  4. Frontloaded success? Following the expectation-shattering blockbuster debut of her new album, “Midnights,” Taylor Swift has coasted to a second week atop the charts, earning the equivalent of another 342,000 album sales, according to the tracking service Luminate. Although “Midnights” experienced a 78 percent drop in its second week of release — down from 1,578,000 in sales the week prior — Swift’s follow-up performance was still good enough for the third-largest total of the year so far, topping even the debut of Beyoncé’s “Renaissance.” (Other than “Midnights” last week, on
  5. The obsession is REAL Taytay outsold and you remain pressed and crying and this is coming from someone who doesn’t even care for Taylor
  6. Also let’s not forget the fact that 9 out of 10 tracks hit the top 10 before the campaign for Bejeweled / VS to get then higher with single releases. So even if she didn’t pull that stunt to get all top 10 songs under her belt, she still slayed the sales - and the majority of them are PHYSICAL sales too. Taylor’s fanbase is strong AF.
  7. I will never understand the need to actively hate one of the faves. Meanwhile, Taylor became the first artist ever to hold all 1-10 positions on the Hot 100.
  8. Lovely summer track. Loved Cold Heart and this is in the same vein, memorable classic melody with a catchy modern disco house vibe. glad to see it’s doing well upon release too, can’t be happier for Britney and Elton!
  9. #1 on itunes in 35 countries? girl’s still got that star power
  10. I’ve only recently started listening to Harry’s stuff and am very surprised at the consistent quality of his album tracks. So pleasantly surprised and happy that he’s seeing success, his music is actually great
  11. Performing worse than her previous albums but to be fair, she set a high fucking bar. She still did well with the album regardless.