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Anna-wa last won the day on January 23 2018

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About Anna-wa

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    Certified: 1D as heck

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  1. Hi friends, now that I am Anna-wa again there is something I must tell you... I'm leaving. I know a lot of you don't like when someone makes a big speech as they leave but I feel like due to all the memories and friends I've made over the past two years, I have to make one. You deserve an explanation.

    I'm not doing this because of anything one specific person did, or even something a GROUP of people did. Quite the contrary, 99.9% of you made me feel unbelievably welcome every single time I came online. I could feel you loved me, and I hope I made all of you feel loved too. Because I do love you.

    It's just that the website itself doesn't feel as magical as it used to anymore. When I came here officially in 2016 (thanks to a tweet from the Britney account about Glory rumors), only a few months later did that Beyonce's Lemonade drop, and she stopped the world (world stop!). From that moment it was a mission to take Beyonce from Spotlight artist to Perma artist. The mods warned me "this has been done before, and she always is too quiet in between eras for her Perma to stay". I didn't listen to them. I continued fighting. Eventually we did get Beyonce as a Perma. Since then, however, a lot of the original BeyHive members have left. Lord Stoneheart (who I have on LFM), Vilppu and Diamond (both of whom I have on Twitter), SANDCASTLES, all of them left. Urbi, fab, Monster, and Beaux are still here but what is there to talk about? The mods were right, she is very silent in between eras and +/- games can only take your post count so far.

    Every single day I log on here terrified Beyonce is gonna be taken away, but also I remind myself that right now the WHOLE board is dead. Even Taylor Swift is avoiding award shows because she doesn't want to see her enemies (I love the girl but let's be honest). There's nothing to talk about ANYWHERE at this point, and still. Still I feel like it would somehow be MY FAULT if Beyonce got taken away. It would be MY FAULT for not commenting on every thread, not logging on every day to make sure she's still there. You know what this is? This isn't fun. This is a chore. A stinkin' annoying chore because how the heck would it be just MY FAULT if Beyonce got taken away? It gets tiring, day after day, fighting for a dead section on a dead forum to stay.

    And so... I must leave. Because I'm not having fun anymore. I will always treasure all the memories and all the friends I have made - and I have a lot of you on Snapchat, Twitter, or Last.FM so, as Louis sang in the One Direction song History, this is not the end, this is not the end for us. But it is the end of my time at FOTP.
    Thank you FOTP for all of the memories, especially to the Beyonce section. I truly love you guys.


    P.S. @Vulnicura. @Monster Tell me on Last.FM how the megarates end (if Vulni's megarate ever ends that is...)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. fab
    3. Savage


      ugh, i miss her so much, the kindest and purest member i have ever seen on this forum. wub1 

    4. Chris


      will she ever return brit2 

  2. Just ordered the Black Panther soundtrack and Destiny Fulfilled from Amazon. Destiny Fulfilled's estimated arrival date is March 6 - 21 (I've ordered from this seller many times before and it usually arrives WAY sooner than it's scheduled to, but March 7 is my birthday so I kind of hope it arrives then hehe :))

  3. I see that Camila badge. nat1 

    1. Honey


      Yes indeed nat1 Love Love Love her

  4. Wow I'm jealous of your soundtrack collection. You should definitely get the Kim Possible soundtrack though because it's so much fun
  5. I bought them all in 2017 minus ANTI. I’m ‘new’ to Rihanna
  6. Who knows honestly... He seems to have faded into oblivion... Maybe if he comes back from the void I will.
  7. Been six months since I last made one of these posts so I'm gonna make a new one. As usual, I underlined the Vinyl, I asterisked the ones I haven't listened to yet (don't bug me, I know I stink at procrastinating on music), and the One Direction section is huge/takes up a full page on my laptop. Yes. Here we go! Artists in alphabetical (first name) order and albums in favorite to least favorite order (not counting things like Christmas/Greatest Hits). Alessia Cara - Know-It-All* Aly & AJ - Insomniatic Aly & AJ - Into The Rush: Deluxe Edition Aly & AJ - Acoustic Hearts
  8. I want to say "4 and Self-Titled aren't really what I qualify as 'older'" but that was 5 to 7 years ago wow